• The Promise of Oregon

    WHAT IS IT? “The Promise of Oregon” is a public education support campaign based on two defining principles: Today’s students are Oregon’s greatest natural resource. Accordingly, we as Oregonians must invest in our public schools so the next generation can reach its potential. Join us – our state’s future depends on it!

    WHERE IS IT GOING? The “Promise” campaign aims to create a groundswell of public support for K-14 education, in hopes of meeting our 40-40-20 goals and lifting student achievement and graduation rates. As the campaign moves into the 2015 legislative session, it will advocate for funding levels necessary for all of Oregon’s students to compete in the 21st century world economy.

    HOW WILL IT GET THERE? Along with its contractor, Blue Chalk Media, the Oregon School Boards Association has created a dedicated website and social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Five thematic videos, along with dozens of shorter video clips and still images of students, will be disseminated through those means, as well as through mainstream media and direct messaging from OSBA members, schools and their contacts. Students and parents will be encouraged to post their own photos and videos demonstrating why they constitute “The Promise of Oregon.” Celebrity endorsers will discuss how public education in Oregon changed their lives, and the importance of investing back into schools. Districts will be encouraged to feature “Promise” kids in their own schools. In 2015, the campaign will create opportunities for direct contact between school board members and other education advocates and their elected state legislators.

    HOW CAN LOCAL BOARD MEMBERS SUPPORT IT? Local boards can pass this resolution in support of the campaign – the sooner the better. Further supporting materials will be circulated at OSBA’s Fall Regionals meetings, distributed to attendees of the OSBA Annual Convention Nov. 13-16 in Portland, and mailed directly to districts later in November. The campaign will depend upon board members and other advocates spreading the word through social media and community groups, and by engaging legislators in 2015.

    Website: www.promiseoregon.org

    Twitter and Instagram: @PromiseOregon

    Facebook and YouTube: ThePromiseofOregon


    Harney County School District #3 Resolution 


    WHEREAS,    This state's children constitute “The Promise of Oregon” through their potential as thinkers, leaders, and caretakers of their generation and the future; and

    WHEREAS,   We believe funding a strong system of public education is the best investment Oregonians can make to strengthen our economy, create thriving communities and improve the quality of life for every Oregonian; and

    WHEREAS,     We support a well-rounded curriculum that meets the needs of Oregon's students, including: art, music, PE, career and technical training and co-curricular activities; and

    WHEREAS,     We must ensure that efforts to close the academic achievement gap and supports for students who have been historically underserved are expanded; and

    WHEREAS,       Oregon's public schools have experienced a prolonged period of unstable and inadequate funding that has resulted in dire consequences: thousands of teacher and staff layoffs, unacceptably large class sizes and one of the shortest school years in the country; and

    WHEREAS,     The 2013-15 budget marked the beginning of a turnaround in school funding, the 2015 Legislative Session will prove whether that turnaround will continue forward or stall; and

    WHEREAS,     Oregon's political leaders have codified an ambitious “40-40-20” goal for our education system to reach by the year 2025, which requires a significant financial investment to attain; and

    WHEREAS,     The case must be made to Oregon's voters that the Legislature needs to prioritize investments in full-day kindergarten, a full school year for every student in every district and modern, safe school facilities in every community in our state; and

    WHEREAS,     School Board members need to help shoulder the responsibility for making the case to Oregon's voters that investments must be made so that every child has the opportunity to  become a responsible and productive citizen of our state.

    NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Harney County School District #3 Board of Education pledges to join and support the efforts of “The Promise of Oregon” campaign to ensure that Oregon's lawmakers continue to prioritize investments to improve the educational outcomes for Oregon's greatest natural resource: our children.  
        ADOPTED this ___14th__day of ___October,  2014.

    Board Chair/Member(s)